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Proshape RX Review - Does It Work?

Proshape RX

Proshape RX Review 

Proshape RX contains an active ingredient is Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii is very popular and well known for its weight loss capabilities, and for this the market has taken up the value of this ingredient. Every 3rd out of 5 products in weight loss market contains Hoodia Gordonii as a ingredient. Hoodia Gordonii is basically come from Bushmen in South Africa to curb the hunger/appetite when they are on long tours.

What is Proshape RX? 

Proshape RX claims to give better results for all of users who wants to lose weight fast. It also claims that no side affects you will get with this supplement. There is a unique blend of fat and cholesterol which is bind together with the help of chitosan, also helps its absorption. The white kidney bean is a main ingredient to help calorie absorption from the foods. Proshape RX also helps in stopping accumulation of fat in the body, so that you have not to care about saturation of fat anymore.

Proshape RX Ingredients 

  • Beta Vulgaris 
  • L-Methionine 
  • Green Tea 
  • Trigonella Foenumgracum 
  • Salix Alba 
  • Chitosan 
  • Hoodia Gordonii 
  • Kidney Bean Powder 

Proshape RX side effects 

The supplement contains Chitosan, which is to be made from shellfish; so the persons or users having allergic reactions to shellfish may find some difficulties with the product. There can be some unknown side effects associated which are not yet represented anywhere but can cause you minor suffers.
Still it is in research for some unknown side effects.


  1. It claims to be good appetite suppressant. 
  2. Proshape RX has official website which looks quite good. 
  3. Proshape can be ordered from website or by phone. 
  4. Support section present in official website to help its users find answers of their queries. 


  1. No Trial Offer Mentioned. 
  2. No Price Mentioned on official website, so the users are quite confused with the price. 
  3. There are several other weight loss products which contains hoodia gordonii with proven results rather than Proshape RX. 
  4. There are simply no user reviews are present which can show/Prove that Proshape RX is better than other weight loss products. 

The Final Verdict 

Concluding our review on Proshape RX, we have forced to mention that please Don’t Try this weight loss Supplement without any reviews. The maker of this supplement only making Hoodia Gordonii a USP to sell this product. But in general there are several other product which Hoodia Gordonii offer proven weight loss results compared to this one.

We cannot therefore recommend it over and above other similar products.

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Amberen Weight Loss - Does Amberen Weight Loss work?

Amberen Weight Loss Overview

Amberen Weight Loss is an all-natural supplement to help women deal with extra weight gain. From last several days people sharing their frustration with us that how to get rid of the extra weight gain. This product is specifically designed for weight loss. This is very useful for the people who are not willing to do exercise for their weight loss.

One more important claim made by the company on their official website is that Amberen Weight Loss is stimulant free and caffeine free.

Amberen weight loss Ingredients

  • Amberen Weight Loss contains Novoslim (Propolmannan), a highly effective solution that will help you reduce body weight by promoting a feeling of fullness
  • Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch, ssp.
  • Amorphophallus japonica)
  • Fiber extract
Amberene Weigth loss Ingredients

Is Amberen Weight Loss safe?

Yes. Clinical studies have shown it to be completely safe. However, if you have any diabetic issues then you have to consult your doctor before taking Amberen Weight Loss. Taking Amberen Weight Loss with diabetes medications may interfere with blood sugar control.

Is it really Effective for weight loss?

See, as the product is new in the market we have not yet tried it, but we will up to you with the trial results of Amberen Weight loss. Buyers are suggested to wait for the review and then go for it.

Amberen Weight Loss Advantages

  1. Caffeine Free
  2. Stimulant Free
  3. Claims Better weight loss for mid aged weight gain

Amberen Weight Loss Disadvantages

  1. As a warning mentioned on its official website that it may cause blockage in digestive system.
  2. Trial Product not available
  3. If taken with other medication, it may result in interaction.
  4. Contains Harsh Chemicals

The Final Verdict

Amberen only claims the all known weight loss results, which are very common these days. It has nothing to do with new claims which can be proven for weigh loss. All it claims that it is a stimulant free (Most common), and it is a natural product (which is an extreme common).
So it will be too imaginary to call this a “A weight loss Product”.
Rather, research for some better weight loss product which will really give you some better results.
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The ideal body – Barbie and the Vitruvian Man

The ideal body
The ideal body

Of all the artists in all the world, Da Vinci has made his way into the modern media world in a million different ways and looks like he’s there to stay. I don’t actually have a problem with the guy, but did he really have to draw the Vitruvian man? As far as I am concerned, that drawing is single handedly responsible for starting the most widely spread internal conflict of all ages – that of self image. Well, that and Barbie. Have you ever actually seen a woman with Barbie proportions? Ingrid Bergman came close but it was a very “far away” close.

What is the ideal body?
Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man was just the poor guy’s attempt to understand the proportion of the human body. He certainly wasn’t trying to set a standard of physical perfection for all mankind to aspire to. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happened. We all struggle to achieve a self image which is the result of a million different images poured into our poor unsuspecting brains by the full force of today’s social media. Well, I say fight back! Don’t be what ‘they’ think you should be. Change your mindset – change your body and do it your own way.
The ideal body is simply one that doesn’t give up on you. No creaks and cranks. No aches and pains. Your body is NOT a temple. It’s a machine. Want to make it a lean, mean, fighting machine? Here’s how.

The Control Panel

Your brain is your worst enemy. It keeps sending the wrong signals. Makes excuses for eating that last doughnut or not going to the gym. So that’s the first thing we’re going to program.
  • Resolutions are no good. They’re always for some future point in time that somehow slips further and further away. Start now. Get up from your couch or bed or wherever you’re reading this and do 5 squats. You might not burn away all your fat but it’s your first step forward in ignoring those brain signals!
  • Every night before you go to bed tell yourself this is something you are going to do for the rest of your life. You’re not looking for a one time crash weight loss. You’re making a conscious decision to work for a better and healthier body. Since you need that body to work for the rest of your life, you need to work at making it better every day.

Starting up

  • Buy a bathroom scale and a measuring tape if you don’t have them already. Keep a diary and measure yourself once a week. That way you’ll know what’s working for you and what’s not.
  • Be realistic. Crash diets only work up to a point and you’re not training to be the next Arnold. Keep your goals simple. Start with ten minutes a day and add five minutes every week. The target is 45 minutes. The slow build up means you won’t tire up and come on… anyone can start with ten minutes!


There are some very simple steps you can take to control your calorie intake and build up to a healthy diet without feeling like you’re on a diet.
  • NEVER skip breakfast.
  • Avoid sandwiches. Anything that goes in a sandwich can be turned into a salad as well.
  • Eat lean proteins like chicken and fish.
  • Add one more serving of fruits and veggies to your diet every day, starting today.
  • If you have to have carbs, stick to wholegrain.
  • Avoid carbs at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Most importantly, remember to treat yourself! It’s okay to have an occasional candy bar or a slice of cake. Life’s too short to drool over little things.

The Program

Crunches and squats are great but what you really need is to burn, baby, and burn! And you burn fuel by doing cardio. The easiest and best cardio is to walk. Then switch to running. If you feel like going further invest in a stair master or elliptical trainer.
Cardio improves your overall health, helps you lose weight and builds up your stamina. Once you have a good cardio program going, add on some strengthening and toning exercises. Here’s a simple routine for you to start up with. You can start with one rep and build up at your own pace. 
  1. 15 squats.
  2. 10 lunges.
  3. 10 burpees.
  4. 10 pushups.
  5. 10 sit and dips.
  6. 10 leg lifts.
  7. 50 crunches.

Drive on!

The toughest part of any diet or exercise program is to stay motivated and NOT GIVE UP.
  • Find a workout buddy. Not to compare with, but just so your workout time is also fun hangout   time.
  • Try different routines. Buy DVDs, find routines online. Its okay to pick a favourite but changing routines from time to time will keep you from getting bored.
  • Keep looking at your diary. If you are consistent and persistent, you will see a change. Even a small change will keep you going.
Author Biography:
Ali Jan Qadir is passionate about art, food and fitness. He loves to shares things he has learned by experience. He is a contributor for http://www.thebest-mattress.org where he answers questions like the best memory foams in the market. If you want to learn more about him visit his twitter profile @alijanness.
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7 lifestyle changes that would help you lose weight

Crash dieting? Starving yourself? Exercising to death? I say No!! Why take the pain?

We have a much healthier, modern ways of loosing those extra pounds than depriving yourself of the daily food and its happiness. You must be a mom, a full time worker, a manager or someone like me who does not want to spend time in a gym but want a perfect physique; then here you go… We have seven healthy and easy life style changes that would help you lose weight and stay healthy and fresh.

  • Right size your plate: Right sizing means controlling the amount of food you eat. It is important that you portion your food before you eat. It’s obvious that larger portions have more calories than smaller ones. Trust me once you start portioning your plate you’ll shave pounds effortlessly. The other advantage of practicing portion technique is that you get to eat whatever you like and you do not have to cut out on your treat completely. This includes no deprivation and obviously no dieting. 

  • Structure your meals: Eating whatever is in sight is not the way to go about it. Plan your meals of the day at the start of the day and follow it. Munching on extra food and nibbling makes you lose the track of how much calories you are taking and it becomes haphazard. Planning in advance has the advantage that you don’t have to starve because when you control till starvation you tend to grasp and eat whatever you see even if it’s junk.  
  • Move more: We tend to do a lot of daily things while sitting that can be done while moving around for example talking on the phone. Involve more movement in your routine. Try to take the stairs instead of escalators, take a walk around the block, or you can also go for swimming rather than watching some movie in your free time. 

  • Make a smart choice: Any drink accompanying your meal should be water or a diet soda at most. Cut out on sugary drinks like sodas or juices. Tell yourself you’ve had enough of them now it’s time to be smart (both mentally and physically). Drink water, and drink plenty of it: The key is that the more you drink water the less you’ll be hungry. You will be cleaner inside and would feel less bloated. Water is essential for all our biological systems as well as a smooth glowing skin. 
  • Get enough sleep: If you really want to shed pounds and that too in a natural way then do not compromise on your sleep. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a day is essential. You see that the more you stay awake the hungrier you feel and eventually you eat more. Apart from this sleep deprivation makes you sluggish and you tend to be less active during the day when you have to be more active, fresh and alert to keep you plans going on.  
  • Think positive, focus on progress: It is essential to look at the bigger picture and take a look at the progress you’ve made so far. Let me warn you that you don’t have to haunt yourself of the remaining pounds to be shed because it will stress you out and you would back off. So, it’s wise to look at the positive side and encourage yourself to do better. 

Author Biography:
Ali Jan Qadir is passionate about art, food and fitness. He loves to shares things he has learned by experience. He is a contributor for http://www.thebest-mattress.org where he writes about different things, like spa sensations. If you want to learn more about him visit his twitter profile @alijanness.
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Quick Guide to Start Fat Loss

When all talk about weight loss the first thing that clicks quickly is to control the calorie consumption. Researchers say weight losing or gaining is all a calorie game. One gaining calories means weight gain and one losing calories means one has lost weight. Keeping the calorie count in our mind, all must always try to control the calorie consumption. We are here to discuss how to lose weight naturally. Losing weight naturally is not at all a bad idea. Mother Nature has gifted us with numerable food stuffs which can be used for losing weight.

Below are some of the interesting tips for losing weight naturally, which will help us understand the concept of fat loss too. Losing weight naturally can be interesting as well. Have a quick look. 5 Quick tips for losing weight naturally:

Eat in small-small bites:
Although it sounds funny, but it is a fact. Cutting a favourite piece of tofu in 3 to 4 smaller pieces and then eating them fools the brain, it thinks that one has had enough. Moreover, if you do so it will make the stomach feel full. So try this natural tip to lose weight instantly.

Try to have a piece of cake after the breakfast:
This trick is indeed a must try for all those who have a sweet craving. Having a piece of chocolate or any sweet after the breakfast gives energy and hence will stop the hunger craving. Give it a try to this easy tip for losing weight naturally.

Cow’s Milk:
Consuming cow’s milk is a good idea for losing weight naturally. It helps in burning the fat in the body. It has conjugated eidolic acid which burns fat at a higher rate. Try this natural tip for losing weight naturally.

Eat dinner before the clock strikes 10:
This means eat dinner 2-3 hours before hitting the bed. It prevents the deposition of unnecessary fats in the body. So try and avoid eating dinner late, moreover immediately hitting the bed. This is an easy tip to lose weight on regular basis.
Warm Water Drink a glass full of warm water 30 mins before your meal. This makes us feel full, and we tend to eat less. The same can be done after a meal. Go for this natural tip for losing weight naturally.
Make sure you try these natural tips and lose weight. It is a time consuming process, but the results will surely amaze us. One must definitely go for it and give it a try. It will definitely do wonders.

While following all these simple and natural ways to lose weight make sure that one should not indulge in oily, fatty and processed food stuffs. Our body needs to have a balance of all the nutrients carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and proteins. It is very important to strike a perfect balance between all these nutritions. Remember, over or under consumption may lead to a problem.

Author Bio:Smith Amelia: Being a shopping addict, avid reader, ardent writer, along with my love towards travelling and exploring the Globe (their culture and specialities). Like to know more about how hcg works for weight loss and write on it.
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Top 10 Killer Workout Routines to Build Your Best Chest

Are you tired of chest workout routines that bring no results? 
Lucky for you as we’ve listed down easy-to-do exercises that guarantee the hunkiest chest you can imagine. Ladies will surely fall for your bulky muscles and huge shoulders.
Without further ado, here are the 10 killer chest workouts for men:

Alternating Floor Press

10. Alternating Floor Press

Lay your back on floor and place two kettlebells beside your shoulders. Put one above your chest followed by another while keeping your grip on the handles. Stretch your arms forward and hold the kettlebells up. Slowly lower one of the weights down to your chest and alternately repeat the process.

9. Behind Head Chest Stretch 

Behind Head Chest Stretch


With a partner, sit on the floor with your back straight. Put your hands at the back of your head then push the elbows as far as possible while letting your partner to hold them. Slowly pull your elbows while keeping your hands behind the head. Allow your partner to prevent you from pulling your elbows and do the process for 10 seconds.



8. Bodyweight Flyes 

          Bodyweight Flyes


Place 2 loaded bars on the floor and make sure that they can roll. Do the basic push up pose on the weights with your toes supporting your body and your arms fully extended. Put your hands on weights and slowly roll the bars away from one another to bring your body down. Pull them back together to raise your chest and do several repetitions for this drill.

7. Cable Crossover 

           Cable Crossover


Adjust the pulley on its high position with preferable resistance. Go between the pulleys and pull your arms forward with torso lightly bended from your waist. Extend your arms sideward to stretch your chest. Pull your arms back to its position through arc movements and repeat the drill for 2 sets of 10 repetitions.


6. Clock Push-Up 

                Clock Push-Up

Do the basic push-up position with arms fully stretched while keeping your whole body straight. Lower your body by bending your elbows. Once your chest comes near the floor, immediately push yourself back. Make sure to lift your body 12 – 18 inches away from the floor in a clockwise direction. Quickly shift your body for 30° then repeat the drill again for 8 – 10 reps.


5. Decline Push-Up 

             Decline Push-Up

Lie on floor upside down with your hands 36-inch away from each other. Put your feet on a bench or a box to level it with your shoulders. Bring your chest near the floor then push yourself back upward while exhaling. Hold your position then repeat this chest workout routine for 15 reps.



4. Incline Dumbbell Flyes 

          Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Grab a dumbbell for both hands and lay your back on the inclined bench. Stretch your arms upward with elbows lightly bent. Carefully bring your arms sideward while keeping your arms fully stretched. Bring the weights back to the position and repeat the exercise for 8 – 12 reps.


3. Chest Dips 

                    Chest Dips

Look for parallel bars and keep your body above them. Lean your torso forward and lower your body down with elbows slightly flared outward to put stress to your chest. Pull your body up with the use of your chest upon feeling the contraction on your upper muscles. Repeat the exercise for 6 – 10 reps.


2. Isometric Chest Squeezes

          Isometric Chest Squeezes

While standing or sitting, bend the arms for 90° while putting your palms right on your chest. Press both palms against one another to contract the chest muscles. Do this slowly and carefully increase the tension on your chest then hold it for 5 seconds. Slowly release the stress and repeat the process for 1 minute.

1. Pushups 


Lie on the ground with chest facing the floor and hands 36 inches away from each other. Bring your chest down until it becomes near the ground. Push the ground to bring your body up while contracting your chest muscles at the same time. Hold your body once you reach the starting position.

You don’t need to spend all day working out. You only need 30 minutes to an hour to develop your chest muscles. We recommend that you follow your workout days with rest days. Do these leg workouts regularly to give enough support for your upper body.

Author Bio:
Jo is Freelance Writer for 8 years now. She writes articles about Health & Fitness, Beauty Tips, Education, Business, Finance, Software, Technology, & Relationship.
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Best Weight Loss Ingredients for 2014

We searched high and low for the best weight loss ingredients to usher in the New Year. We chose a few classic weight loss supplements and a few up-and-comers.

For those looking for the next big thing, this list is a great intro to diet trends and solid science. Read on to find our picks for the best weight loss ingredients for 2014.

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) 

This naturally-occurring fatty acid was featured on the Dr. Oz show more than once in 2013. CLA influences enzymes that grow fat cells, preventing them from expanding.

Participants in a study who took CLA for a year experienced 4.3% greater lean body mass than those given a placebo. They also experienced reduced body fat. Participants didn’t change their diet or exercise habits, which makes CLA’s results all the more impressive. [1]


This ingredient is commonly used in some of the most popular weight loss supplements. From energy drinks to diet pills, caffeine is a go-to ingredient for its thermogenic properties.

In a study, scientists gave participants 400 mg caffeine (about as much caffeine as is in four cups of coffee). These participants experienced increased energy expenditure and greater fat burning than those who took lower caffeine doses. [2]

Yacon Syrup 

Relatively new to the supplement scene, yacon syrup shows promising results in scientific studies. The syrup, extracted from South American yacon roots, supports healthy digestion and regulates blood sugar.

In one study, overweight women were given yacon syrup for 120 days. The women experienced decreased body weight, slimmer waists, and lower body mass index. They also felt fuller after meals and had steadier blood sugar levels throughout the day. [3]

Green Coffee Bean Extract 

This extract comes from raw unroasted coffee beans. Unlike roasted coffee, green coffee extract is rich in chlorogenic acid, which lowers glucose absorption and limits fat metabolism. [4]

Study participants given green coffee bean experienced more weight loss than those who took no supplements. Both groups had otherwise identical diet and exercise regimens. Participants lost as much as 20 pounds in 12 weeks. [5]


Found in spicy peppers, capsaicin burns calories and raises metabolism. You can consume capsaicin in whole peppers, but to those sensitive to spice, supplements are a good option.

According to a study performed by UCLA, low-calorie diets lower metabolic rates between 10% and 15%. Exercise, unfortunately, does not raise metabolism. Participants in the study who consumed capsaicin burned an extra 80 calories per day. [6]

Green Tea 

Green tea is a staple in any diet guru’s supplement cabinet. The experts at Web-MD rave over its health benefits; green tea promotes longevity, contains antioxidants, and treats stomach disorders.

Additionally, green tea has exceptional weight loss Advantages. In studies, the antioxidants, called catechins, burned fat and increased energy expenditure. Participants in studies reduced body fat, which resulted in smaller waist circumference and lower body mass index. [7][8]

Irvingia Gabonensis 

We couldn’t leave African Mango off our list of best weight loss ingredients. Although Africans have incorporated it into their diet for generations, this newly studied superfood has impressive weight loss properties.

Scientific studies showed participants who consumed irvingia gabonensis with meals improved body fat ratios, shrunk waist circumferences, and reduced blood glucose levels. [9]

Keep in mind, these best weight loss ingredients for 2014 won’t provide long-term results without combining them with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Supplements are designed to complement  healthy lifestyle, will not alter them completely.


[1] “Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation for 1 y reduces body fat mass in healthy overweight humans.” The American journal of clinical nutrition. Jun 2004; 79(6):1118-25. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15159244

[2] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 51.5 (1990): 759-767. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2333832

[3] “Yacon syrup: beneficial effects on obesity and insulin resistance in humans.” Clinical Nutrition. Apr 2009; 28(2):182-7. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19254816

[4]  Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17990295

[5] From: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3267522/

[6] WebMD. Available from: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/health-benefits-of-peppers

[7] Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17557985

[8] Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18006026

[9] Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010674/
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