Showing posts with label how you lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how you lose weight. Show all posts
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7 lifestyle changes that would help you lose weight

Crash dieting? Starving yourself? Exercising to death? I say No!! Why take the pain?

We have a much healthier, modern ways of loosing those extra pounds than depriving yourself of the daily food and its happiness. You must be a mom, a full time worker, a manager or someone like me who does not want to spend time in a gym but want a perfect physique; then here you go… We have seven healthy and easy life style changes that would help you lose weight and stay healthy and fresh.

  • Right size your plate: Right sizing means controlling the amount of food you eat. It is important that you portion your food before you eat. It’s obvious that larger portions have more calories than smaller ones. Trust me once you start portioning your plate you’ll shave pounds effortlessly. The other advantage of practicing portion technique is that you get to eat whatever you like and you do not have to cut out on your treat completely. This includes no deprivation and obviously no dieting. 

  • Structure your meals: Eating whatever is in sight is not the way to go about it. Plan your meals of the day at the start of the day and follow it. Munching on extra food and nibbling makes you lose the track of how much calories you are taking and it becomes haphazard. Planning in advance has the advantage that you don’t have to starve because when you control till starvation you tend to grasp and eat whatever you see even if it’s junk.  
  • Move more: We tend to do a lot of daily things while sitting that can be done while moving around for example talking on the phone. Involve more movement in your routine. Try to take the stairs instead of escalators, take a walk around the block, or you can also go for swimming rather than watching some movie in your free time. 

  • Make a smart choice: Any drink accompanying your meal should be water or a diet soda at most. Cut out on sugary drinks like sodas or juices. Tell yourself you’ve had enough of them now it’s time to be smart (both mentally and physically). Drink water, and drink plenty of it: The key is that the more you drink water the less you’ll be hungry. You will be cleaner inside and would feel less bloated. Water is essential for all our biological systems as well as a smooth glowing skin. 
  • Get enough sleep: If you really want to shed pounds and that too in a natural way then do not compromise on your sleep. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a day is essential. You see that the more you stay awake the hungrier you feel and eventually you eat more. Apart from this sleep deprivation makes you sluggish and you tend to be less active during the day when you have to be more active, fresh and alert to keep you plans going on.  
  • Think positive, focus on progress: It is essential to look at the bigger picture and take a look at the progress you’ve made so far. Let me warn you that you don’t have to haunt yourself of the remaining pounds to be shed because it will stress you out and you would back off. So, it’s wise to look at the positive side and encourage yourself to do better. 

Author Biography:
Ali Jan Qadir is passionate about art, food and fitness. He loves to shares things he has learned by experience. He is a contributor for where he writes about different things, like spa sensations. If you want to learn more about him visit his twitter profile @alijanness.
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