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Pegan Diet Plan: Its When Paleo Met Vegan

Pegan is a new trend of eating that combines two opposing diets, that is, Paleo and Vegan. This type of eating coined by Dr. Mark Hyman of the Cleveland Clinic Centre for Functional Medicine is not yet published in any medical journals though she claims that it would help in maintaining individual’s health as well as that of the planet Earth. So what is the distinctive factor between Paleo and Vegan? The term Paleo refers to conservatives of the ’caveman’s’’ diet or rather they consume food that were eaten by our ancestors who were predominantly hunters and gatherers. Their diet is composed of meat, eggs, fish, nuts and some vegetables that are non-starchy. It does not restrict on fats. However, it does restrict on some dairy products and oils, legumes, grains and potatoes. Vegan diet is plant based; it refers to those individuals who can be termed as vegetarians and they totally disdain from any animal product.

Pegan Diet Plan

Some proponents of Paleo diets will advocate for intake of high animal proteins where they have coined a term 'meat for every meal’ to support their ardent intake of meat products. According to the government guidelines, it is recommended that an individual consumes 98g of protein in a day though some Paleo recommend intake of up to 187g of proteins in a day. Though high protein intake satisfies and individual, it has some catastrophic effect on the person. A lot of consumption of red meat has been linked to increased bowel cancer disease and gout a rare disease that affects the bones. Vegan diet on the contrary if not well planned lacks key nutritious components such as amino acids that are building blocks of proteins, zinc ions, iron, vitamin B12 and calcium ions. Vegan diet has in the recent past got some accolades for it health benefits as according to statistics Vegans have reduced risk of developing some diseases including; some forms of cancers, type 2 diabetes, lower risk of obesity and low death risk arising from illness and several degenerative diseases.

The two forms of diets are quite challenging as the Paleo diet might be too expensive thus being unpractical for most people. The Vegan diet may as well be restrictive in the event that you like to eat out. Now that leads us to the question what happens if a Paleo meets a Vegan? That is where the Pegan comes into play. A Pegan healthy diet concentrates on a variety of foods that tries to combine the two food components consumed by the Paleo and Vegan. That is to say, the diet is composed of a little Paleo and a little vegan diet. The foods consumed by a Pegan will be mostly composed of plants, good quality fats such as olive oil, nuts and avocados. If you are to eat meat, it is supposed to be treated as a side diet and not as the main diet. Legumes, eggs, fish and poultry are also encouraged though their intake should be highly moderated. It requires eating of gluten free grains sparing manner and also sugar intake on an occasional basis. The diet however totally restricts eating of dairy and gluten occasionally if you are tolerant to it. Pegan diet, therefore, is just a regular basis wholefood diet though with some minimal restrictions. It excludes dairy products from the meal, and this is not wise unless one is intolerant. It is as well not wise to avoid either gluten or wheat if your body can tolerate them without any hypersensitive reaction.

These three diets though different have a thing in common in that they all encourage intake of whole plant foods as well as limited refined carbohydrates (refined starches), processed foods and added sugars. Though all this three diets exists, a Pegan diet combines all the two and therefore to some extent meets a more healthy body and helpful for beautyand skin care. We need a body that has balanced nutrients body from plants and animals. Restricting ourselves to either Pegan or Vegan diet is likely to deprive our body of some key nutrients that our body needs to fight diseases as they help to maintain a healthy immune system. It is therefore encouraged that we balance our food intake at all times, and the surest way to do this is through intake of this new diet known as a Pegan diet. It can be the best solution for individuals with contradicting dietary approaches. Therefore the answer to our question, what happens if a Vegan meets a Paleo? Pegan is the answered. The best way to go for the two shall be Pegan. For best diet eating tips you can watch this healthy diet video.

Author Bio:
Evlin Symon is freelance health writer. She writes about health, fitness, weight loss, and beauty & skin care treatment. When she is not writing, she can be usually found hitting the Gym.


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