Showing posts with label top 3 healthy foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top 3 healthy foods. Show all posts
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Top 3 Healthy Foods of 2013

Everybody needs food.  Food is essential in man’s life because it is for survival.  Without food there will be no living things probably except for plants that thrive from the soil and water.  Maybe in the seas only a few fish would survive who do not depend on eating other fish.  The problem with food these days is that many do have good nutrients for good health.

With so many food whether processed or not there are only a few that may be considered almost as a complete meal.  These are foods that have essential nutrients that the human body needs to stay healthy.  Not that other food are junk food, they simply do not have sufficient vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy.  The top healthy foods are like:

1.  Eggs 

There is no denying that egg has full of nutrients that just having them daily can be sufficient to sustain the nutrition that a human body needs.  It is said to be high in cholesterol but will not necessarily cause stroke for a person with a heart condition.  In fact, those with heart condition can have at least two egg yolks a week.

Eating one whole egg a day for people without any heart problems will not be a reason to develop a heart problem.  The egg can be taken raw or cooked and will still have the nutrients that go with it.  It is also true that eggs from chicken that are free ranged are better than those farmed from chicken that are fed processed feed.

2.  Milk

Another sort of universal food although it is a drink is milk.  The nutrition that milk gives is almost similar to that of egg.  It is a complete meal too because infants survive on milk alone until they are able to take solid food.  The advantage of milk over egg is that it has less fat.  So, this makes it a healthier food for that reference.

Milk though is low on protein and gives only 16 percent of the daily value in one serving.  That is where egg is rich in; it gives 61 percent of the daily value needed for just one egg.  In having both of these top two healthy foods it can really be said to be a complete meal.  The only problem with milk is there are people who develop lactose intolerance.  For that, they will have to find alternate sources of nutrition that milk has.

It has been for a long time that eggs and milk are a part of breakfast every day.   That meant then breakfast was always a complete meal before the coming of the processed breakfast foods like hotdogs, salami, meatloaf and the like.

3.  Salmon

From among all the fishes of the seas, salmon tops them all as healthy food.  It is a good source of omega-3 fats good for the health of man.  The main value from this seafood is it is high in protein even higher than that of egg.  Protein is essential because it is the source of amino acids that the human body needs to maintain good health.

It is rich with riboflavin, pantothenic acid and phosphorus, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and selenium.  It has high cholesterol content like the yolk of an egg.  So those with heart conditions will also have to take precaution in eating this health food.  Salmon provides a full feel longer after having a serving of it that makes one eat fewer calories in a day.

So for this top 3 healthy foods having them on a regular basis is an assurance of complete nutrition.  Combining the three in one meal will already provide most of the daily food values needed.

Sam is a nutritionist by profession and helps people in managing their diet plan and food habits. He also manages his own blogs about nutrition. Check out his blog to get tips to manage your diet plan.

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