Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
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Meditating For a Healthier You

Meditation is an age-old practice that is said to serve as an important tool towards achieving mental clarity and improved health. Meditation is basically a relaxation technique in which the person performing it enters a state of calmness.

The practice of meditation has become a divisive and controversial issue even up to this day and age. While a number of critics do not see any benefits of meditation, scientific studies in the past have proved otherwise.

Below are five of health benefits of meditation as proven by science.

  1. Emotional balance and stability
  2. A clearer mind is the most obvious health benefit of meditation. An effective meditation session can help you become more balance and stable when it comes to your emotions. You will learn to control your emotions in a much efficient manner. Likewise, you will begin to act not merely based on what you feel but based on what is right regardless of how you feel about it. Obviously, our emotions are double-edged sword which can be our ally or enemy at times.

  3. Improved immunity to certain diseases
  4. A study conducted by researchers from the Ohio State University revealed that progressive muscular relaxation (something that can be achieved through meditation) is one factor that can reduced the recurrence of breast cancer. In a similar study conduced by the same researchers, it was found out that the mere act of relaxation and breathing exercises boosted natural killer cells especially in the elderly.

  5. Increased fertility in both men and women
  6. Increased fertility is also said to be another benefit of meditation. According to a study by the University of Western Australia, women are much more likely to conceive during periods in which they are not stressed and they feel relaxed. Turkey’s Trakya University also released a study that concludes that sperm cell count is reduced by stress, therefore a more relax and calm attitude can increase sperm cell and motility.

  7. Meditation is a natural stress reliever
  8. Meditation is a natural stress reliever and I’m sure no one would argue against it. Stress can lead to heart diseases and other illnesses so it would be best for you to really consider trying meditation.

  9. Personal and spiritual growth
  10. Personal and spiritual growth is something that is quite hard to understand. However if we are to introduce meditation and to entice people to try it, the term personal and spiritual growth should be simplified to its simplest terms. Personal and spiritual growth refers to how you see and how you feel about yourself. It can refer to the coherence of thoughts and the free flow of ideas. It can also take the form of greater creativity and improved learning ability. To others, personal and spiritual growth can be a form of self-actualization.

    It’s quite clear that the personal and spiritual benefits of meditation differ from one person to another – that’s what makes it more appealing to many though.
How is it done? The healing powers of meditation can be achieved through repetitive mantras or even prayers. Mantras may differ from one person to another. Needless to say, you can even create your own personal mantra for meditation. The good thing about meditation is that you need not to be an expert in order to realize its benefits – a mere beginner can do it all by himself.
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