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Could Alkaline Minerals Be The Key To Sustainable Weight Loss?

The impact that alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium can have on your body’s skeletal system has been well-documented by some of the world’s most prestigious medical organizations.
However, the fact that these same minerals can also help to encourage weight loss is something that’s much less widely known, and that’s a shame, because some alkaline minerals, like potassium, iron and magnesium, have been shown to significantly improve your body’s ability to burn off excess fat cells, as well as actively encouraging healthy and sustainable weight loss throughout your body.

How Can Minerals Possibly Promote Weight Loss?

It might seem difficult to believe, given that we’re often taught to associate weight loss with gruelling self-sacrifice and expensive over-the-counter remedies, but a number of studies published by both Dr Joseph Campbell and Dr. Bernard Jensen have shown that simply increasing the amount of alkaline minerals in your diet can actually.
In part, this appears to be because alkaline minerals like potassium and iron can actively help to balance your body’s delicate electrolyte levels by acting as ‘electrical transmitters’ as well as strengthening your bones and bolstering your immune system.
In doing so, these highly beneficial nutrient co-factors actually supply your cells with the excess energy that they need to begin effectively breaking down the complicated, long-chain fats normally associated with our nutrient-deficient western diets – allowing your body to shed weight faster than it might otherwise be able to, and ensuring that the complicated biochemical reactions needed to burn-up damaging contaminants can be effectively carried out in your organs and tissues.
That’s not the whole story though: As well as providing your cells with the electrolyte-energy needed to properly metabolise fatty contaminants, alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium can also help to actively flush toxins from your blood and tissues, thereby reducing the strain placed on your body’s metabolism, and negating the need to store damaging fats as a kind of acid-buffer to protect your more delicate cells.
According to Dr Campbell’s article on weight loss and alkaline minerals, calcium and magnesium may also help to encourage the efficient burning of fat cells by promoting the better oxygenation of your blood, which makes catalysing the reactions needed to break down long-chain fatty acids significantly less energy-intensive.

Where Do These Alkaline Minerals Come From?

Fortunately, these highly beneficial nutrients are not particularly difficult to find at all. In fact, trace amounts of most alkaline minerals can actually be found in almost every variety of green vegetable, so if you’re eager to start promoting healthy and sustainable weight loss by providing your body with the electrolyte energy it needs to metabolise fats, you’ll be pleased to hear that all you need to do is start increasing the amount of kale, parsley and spinach that you consume.
If the idea of substantially increasing the amount of green vegetables in your diet doesn’t really appeal though, you could always try drinking mineral-rich alkaline water, which can help to provide you with the same highly beneficial minerals as most green vegetables, as well as helping to properly hydrate your cells.
A large amount of alkaline minerals can also be found in most natural spring water too, so it should never be too difficult to start providing your body with the resources it needs to effectively fight fat cells in a sustainable and healthy manner, and while you might not notice an immediate change, the long-term effects can be far more beneficial than any amount of fast-track dieting plans or ‘magic’ pills.


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