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weightloss And its factors

In this Writing, we will take account of some of the least considered factors affecting weight loss or weight gain. These factors greatly contribute to a person’s success with losing weight; however, only very few people actually pay attention to them. If you have been dieting and exercising but seem to be stuck with unsatisfying results, taking these factors into consideration may be just what you need.

Water And Weight Loss

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Unlike quenching your thirst with a soft drink, alcohol, coffee, or milk, water is fat free, calorie free, and cholesterol free. It’s also a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking a large glass of water can temper ill-timed hunger pangs. Drinking a large glass of water before a meal can prompt you to feel full faster and eat less. Clinical studies even show that a low consumption of water allows fat to be deposited in the body rather than burned for energy.

Water and Weight Loss

Sleep And Weight Loss

You may think that sleep and weight loss are so far-off, but there is substantial scientific evidence suggesting a strong association between the two. One study reports that people who sleep 5 hours or less per night generally weigh more than those who get a 7-hour sleep. Other research has shown that inadequate sleep compromises efforts to lose weight through dieting. The link between sleep and weight loss is attributed mainly to hormones. So if you want to keep your natural weight loss mechanisms in place, make sure to get around eight hours of sleep every night.

Friends And Weight Loss

Your friends have a lot to do with the outcome of your weight loss efforts. If you are surrounded with people who have no desire to lose weight, it is very likely that you will end up veering away from your weight loss goals. If the people you hang out with eat a lot of unhealthy foods all the time, it would be very hard for you to integrate the lifestyle changes that you need to get to your ideal weight. So, if you are serious , Find friends who have the same desire for weight loss or a healthy and active lifestyle this way you can still enjoy great company without compromising you want to lose weight.

Friends and Weight loss


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